
Sea Hawk Air: Kodiak’s Trusted Seaplane Service for Over 20 Years

Sea Hawk Air, located at 506 Trident Way, Kodiak, AK 99615, is a trusted seaplane service with an extensive history of over two decades serving athletes, tourists, and local Alaskans. It is nestled in the heart of Kodiak, Alaska, and was founded by Rolan Ruoss. Ruoss is an experienced pilot who has passionately explored the islands of Kodiak and the Alaska Peninsula, catering to a diverse range of flying needs for locals and visitors every year.

Boasting an array of services, Sea Hawk Air designs experiences to enhance visitor’s time on Kodiak Island. Whether the world-class sportfishing opportunities draw you in, wildlife and bear viewing thrill you, lodges or rental cabins promise a comfortable stay – Sea Hawk Air caters for it all: from adventurous activities like rafting, kayaking beachcombing birding to more tranquil pursuits such as remote camping and trekking.

Sea Hawk Air, a global leader in bush floatplanes, operates its recently refurbished de Havilland Beaver seaplane with an emphasis on safety and comfort. Regular modifications to the aircraft, which can accommodate up to six passengers and carry a maximum load of 1500 pounds— maintain top-tier standards for safety and efficiency.

This enterprise’s local ownership and operation impart an unyielding commitment to enriching experiences for visitors and locals, thus enabling all individuals involved – both guests and residents alike – to relish in Kodiak Island’s distinctive offerings.

Sea Hawk Air celebrated for its diverse services and welcoming staff in Kodiak’s vibrant outdoor landscape, emerges as a cornerstone. Sea Hawk Air promises an unforgettable experience that will resonate long after you’ve finished exploring Kodiak’s wonders: a testament to your adventurous spirit and their commitment to excellence.
