
Explore Kodiak’s Bounty: Alaska Pacific Seafoods

Alaska Pacific Seafoods is a bustling seafood processing plant that seamlessly merges tradition, innovation, and the salty whispers of the sea.

Alaska Pacific Seafoods traces its humble beginnings back to the 1950s, when it started as a modest ice and cold storage facility. Over the decades, it evolved into a beacon of seafood excellence, attracting skilled artisans and adventurous souls alike. Today, it stands tall as a living testament to the island’s enduring love affair with the ocean.

Come and explore the Alaska Pacific Seafoods plant, which sits beside the beautiful shores of Kodiak. The plant is bustling with activity as workers fillet salmon, sort crab, and package halibut cheeks with great care. The scent of brine and the sea air fills the room, and the workers’ energy and passion for the ocean’s offerings are palpable. The work here is fueled by a solid dedication to excellence and a shared love for the sea’s bounty.

At Alaska Pacific Seafoods, every species harvested from the Gulf of Alaska finds its way onto the processing lines. Imagine an irresistible symphony of flavors featuring succulent salmon, delicate pollock, flavorful rockfish, buttery black cod, and many more. Each fish has a unique story, from its journey from the icy depths to our plates. Every specimen, from the delicate roe to the firm halibut steaks and the elusive sea cucumber, passes through skilled hands to ensure that the essence of the sea is preserved with the utmost care.

Alaska Pacific Seafoods is a vital bridge between the land and the sea. It is a place where the salty spray of the ocean mingles with dreams and where the indomitable spirit of Kodiak’s fishermen lives. So, the next time you indulge in a succulent piece of wild-caught salmon, take a moment to savor its exquisite flavor and the essence of Kodiak itself that it carries—an authentic taste of untamed wilderness and enduring maritime heritage.

627 Shelikof St, Kodiak, AK 99615 | +1 907-486-3234 |


March 2025
April 2025